Silence is golden
I got up yesterday morning feeling sick as a parrot (1) after coughing all night and sleeping about 2 hours only. I felt everything but going to work (2).
I was wondering how I'd manage to get through the day (3) and tried to come up with activities that involve (4) a lot of speaking - not from my side!
I arrived in time when soon after me another student appeared. I wrote a message for them on the board to explain the situation. I asked this student to comment on (5) that. She couldn't talk. I thought she was joking. She wasn't. She had no voice, either.
OMG!(6)Now what? What can you do in a situation when neither you nor your student can speak?? Try to practise fluency (7)now! LOL (8)
Then another student arrived who pulled me aside (9)and told me that this was the last time she could be here. Family reasons (10).
Two members of the group couldn't come.
OMG! Just bad news this morning???
Then two other students showed up (11) who COULD speak and they were both very positive.
It was inevitable (12)for everybody that it wasn't going to be a proper lesson (13). So I started to initiate (14) a little small talk and students had to talk about their life during the past month - you have to know we had a long break.
And that's when a miracle (+1) started to happen... I'd never seen anything like this before.
They opened up. (15) Talked about their lives, their current problems and challenges (16) while the others in the group started to challenge them with questions and gave them mental and emotional support.(17) They helped find a solution to each other's problems (18).
It was like a completely self-manifested team-coaching session (19) - absolutely amazing!
One of them just sat there shocked and said: This is NOT an English lesson - it's a psychology group! :)
Everybody agreed enthusiastically (20).
We then ended up doing a self-SWOT analysis (21). They prepared their notes on how they see themselves (22) then they were working in pairs telling each other how they saw one another. (23) They also helped each other with questions, which I borrowed from the internet but changed a little.
Why was this lesson so successful?
Because it was personal. It was meaningful (24). It was about their lives and personal stories.
What did I do?
Just helped them with some questions on the board. Gave them signals (25) if something was incorrect or inappropriate (26) but only with gestures (27)
Then even that wasn't necessary as they started to correct each other.
Moreover (28), they started to teach new words and expressions to each other.
and so proud of them.
I also realised I hadn't given them enough room for free talk in the past. (29) Ah well, silence is golden :) (30)
They were fluent! (31)
The one who didn't have voice, wrote on the board and this is how she communicated. I just stood back, smiled and was extremely proud! :)
As a result of this free talking session (32), a special bond was formed among the group members. (33)I felt there is even more trust (34)among them and motivation to attend classes (35) got stronger.
They want to have a lesson during the long weeked as well! What more do I want? :))
1) olyan beteg voltam, mint a disznó
2) Mindent szerettem volna, de nem dolgozni menni.
3) hogy vészelem át a napot
4) magában foglal, vele jár
5) hozzászól, megjegyzést fűz hozzá
6) OMG! = Oh my God! = Te jó ég!
7) gyakoroljuk a beszédkészséget
8) LOL = Laugh Out Loud (hangosan felnevet)
9) félrevont
10) családi ok
11) megérkezett
12) egyértelmű
13) egy rendes óra
14) kezdeményezni
+1) csoda
15) Megnyíltak.
16) jelenlegi problémák és kihívások
17) mentális és érzelmi támogatást adtak egymásnak
18) egymás problémáira megoldást találni
19) magától létrejött csoportos coaching óra
20) Mindenki lelkesen egyetértett.
21) Végülis egy Ön-SWOT analízis felállításánál kötöttünk ki. (SWOT: Strenths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats: Erősségek-Gyengeségek-Lehetőségek-Fenyegetettség)
22) hogy látják önmagukat
23) hogy látták egymást
24) Volt értelme.
25) jeleztem nekik
26) helytelen, nem megfelelő (pl. szó)
27) gesztusokkal
28) sőt mi több
29) nem adtam nekik korábban elég teret a szabad beszélgetésre
30) hallgatni arany
31) folyékonyan beszéltek.
32) ennek a szabad-beszélgetős órának eredményeképpen
33) különleges kötelék alakult ki a csoport tagjai között
34) bizalom
35) órára járni
I was wondering how I'd manage to get through the day (3) and tried to come up with activities that involve (4) a lot of speaking - not from my side!
I arrived in time when soon after me another student appeared. I wrote a message for them on the board to explain the situation. I asked this student to comment on (5) that. She couldn't talk. I thought she was joking. She wasn't. She had no voice, either.
OMG!(6)Now what? What can you do in a situation when neither you nor your student can speak?? Try to practise fluency (7)now! LOL (8)
Then another student arrived who pulled me aside (9)and told me that this was the last time she could be here. Family reasons (10).
Two members of the group couldn't come.
OMG! Just bad news this morning???
Then two other students showed up (11) who COULD speak and they were both very positive.
It was inevitable (12)for everybody that it wasn't going to be a proper lesson (13). So I started to initiate (14) a little small talk and students had to talk about their life during the past month - you have to know we had a long break.
And that's when a miracle (+1) started to happen... I'd never seen anything like this before.
They opened up. (15) Talked about their lives, their current problems and challenges (16) while the others in the group started to challenge them with questions and gave them mental and emotional support.(17) They helped find a solution to each other's problems (18).
It was like a completely self-manifested team-coaching session (19) - absolutely amazing!
One of them just sat there shocked and said: This is NOT an English lesson - it's a psychology group! :)
Everybody agreed enthusiastically (20).
We then ended up doing a self-SWOT analysis (21). They prepared their notes on how they see themselves (22) then they were working in pairs telling each other how they saw one another. (23) They also helped each other with questions, which I borrowed from the internet but changed a little.
Why was this lesson so successful?
Because it was personal. It was meaningful (24). It was about their lives and personal stories.
What did I do?
Just helped them with some questions on the board. Gave them signals (25) if something was incorrect or inappropriate (26) but only with gestures (27)
Then even that wasn't necessary as they started to correct each other.
Moreover (28), they started to teach new words and expressions to each other.
and so proud of them.
I also realised I hadn't given them enough room for free talk in the past. (29) Ah well, silence is golden :) (30)
They were fluent! (31)
The one who didn't have voice, wrote on the board and this is how she communicated. I just stood back, smiled and was extremely proud! :)
As a result of this free talking session (32), a special bond was formed among the group members. (33)I felt there is even more trust (34)among them and motivation to attend classes (35) got stronger.
They want to have a lesson during the long weeked as well! What more do I want? :))
1) olyan beteg voltam, mint a disznó
2) Mindent szerettem volna, de nem dolgozni menni.
3) hogy vészelem át a napot
4) magában foglal, vele jár
5) hozzászól, megjegyzést fűz hozzá
6) OMG! = Oh my God! = Te jó ég!
7) gyakoroljuk a beszédkészséget
8) LOL = Laugh Out Loud (hangosan felnevet)
9) félrevont
10) családi ok
11) megérkezett
12) egyértelmű
13) egy rendes óra
14) kezdeményezni
+1) csoda
15) Megnyíltak.
16) jelenlegi problémák és kihívások
17) mentális és érzelmi támogatást adtak egymásnak
18) egymás problémáira megoldást találni
19) magától létrejött csoportos coaching óra
20) Mindenki lelkesen egyetértett.
21) Végülis egy Ön-SWOT analízis felállításánál kötöttünk ki. (SWOT: Strenths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats: Erősségek-Gyengeségek-Lehetőségek-Fenyegetettség)
22) hogy látják önmagukat
23) hogy látták egymást
24) Volt értelme.
25) jeleztem nekik
26) helytelen, nem megfelelő (pl. szó)
27) gesztusokkal
28) sőt mi több
29) nem adtam nekik korábban elég teret a szabad beszélgetésre
30) hallgatni arany
31) folyékonyan beszéltek.
32) ennek a szabad-beszélgetős órának eredményeképpen
33) különleges kötelék alakult ki a csoport tagjai között
34) bizalom
35) órára járni
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