How can you benefit from your teacher's laryngitis?

Has anyone ever told you to shut up?

Now, no one has told me recently, which doesn't mean they never thought about it... :D

Well, I was happily enjoying my long-waited holiday when all of a sudden I felt I had a frog in my throat (1) 
over the long weekend. That is bad news! - I thought. Oh no, with some positive thinking I'll get rid of that (2)- I thought on. But life is always wiser than you. I had to stay in bed as I was getting the shivers (3) and started to drink the good old lemon tea with a lot of honey and started to take some propolis tablets to kill the pain. It meant a good relief (4), however, I suddenly couldn't talk.

"There we go again (5)" - another thought occured (6).

Yesterday I ended up seeing my GP (7) and was prescribed (8) one week throat diet. I learnt I had laryngitis (9). Now this was a new word for me, too.

But why am I telling you this?

When my students come to me because they think I'm the fountain of all knowledge (10) and we teachers may often feel that we are superior (11) and students couldn't do without us (12). My fellow-teachers would probably agree with me here, as they experience the same. 


If you are a language learner, listen to me! YOU CAN DO IT, TOO.  Without us. We come handy every now and again :) (13)

But stop expecting (14)! Start giving! 

Give. What? 
Information about you, how your day went, what you think about this and that. 

Initiate a conversation. - Hey guys, have I ever told you when...?(15) or Does anyone want to know what happened to me over the weekend?(16)

Interrupt.  - Sorry to interrupt but..(17). or Sorry, can I just butt in here for a moment..?(18)

Give your opinion. - Actually, I reckon the situation is slightly different.(19). or I guess we could do it.(20)

Agree with what was said by others. - I couldn't agree more.(21)  or Absolutely.(22) or Definitely. (23)

Disagree with what was said by others. - I don't think so.(24) or I'm afraid I have to disagree.(25) or No way (26)

Keep an eye-contact with the other students.

Do NOT look at the teacher ONLY.

Don't just answer. Ask, too. - And how about you? (27) or Do you?(28) or Have you? (29)

React spontaneously to other people's affirmations (+1). - WOW! (30) or You poor thing.(31) or Lucky you.(32) or So did I.(33) or Nor can I.(34)

These are the strategies we give you at London Style anyway both in Székesfehérvár and from November at our NEW premises in Budapest Szt István krt. 5. 2/A (visit our website regulary about updates - and

But it was so good NOT to talk, this way, my students had to do all the talking today. 

And after the first shock :), they did a very good job! 

Perhaps, I should shut up more often? :))) 

Or at least put my teacher-self on SILENT MODE.

P.S.: If you are interested how to best learn to develop your conversational strategies fast, please write to me to (35):

P.P.S.: Another good benefit for you is that now you've learnt some new words on health and illnesses together with some Conversational expressions :)

1) kapar a torkom
2) megszabadulok én ettől
3) Már rázott a hideg
4) jó kis megkönnyebbülést jelentett
5) na tessék!
6) előjött
7) végülis a házi orvosomnál lyukadtam ki (GP = General Practitioner)
8) felírt
9) hangszálgyulladás
10) én vagyok minden tudás atyja - az angolban minden tudás forrása
11) felsőbbrendű
12) a nyelvtanulók nem tudnának nélkülünk meglenni
13) Azért néha napján jól jövünk.
14) elvárni
+1) kijelentések

15) Figyusz, meséltem már nektek, mikor...?
16) Tudni akarja valaki, mi történt velem a hétvégén?
17) Bocs, hogy közbevágok, de...
18) Elnézést, hogy csak így beleszólok, de..
19) Tulajdonképpen, úgy vélem, kicsit más a helyzet.
20) Szerintem meg tudjuk csinálni.
21) Totál egyetértek.
22) Abszolút!
23) Naná!
24) Szerintem nem így van.
25) Bocs, de nem értek egyet.
26) Azt ugyan nem!
27) És te hogy gondolod?
28) Tényleg (szoktál)? 
29) Tényleg (csináltad már) ?
30) Nahát!
31) Ó te szegény!
32) Mákod van.
33) Én is (csináltam, megtörtént velem)
34) Én sem (tudok)
35) Ha érdekel, mi a legjobb módja annak, hogy fejleszd gyorsan beszédkészségedet, akkor írj nekem a -ra!


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